Second, do not fall into the trap of waiting for data that just does not exist. 第二,不要苦等不存在的数据。
Second, do I need to squeeze my experience of nearly three decades onto one page? 第二,我是否需要把我近三十年的工作经历,都压缩在一页纸上?
Second, do the hardest things first. 第二、先做最难的事情。
What can the second updater do? 那么,第二个更新者能做什么呢?
Second, do you vote for the restoration of the 1992 constitution and for Crimea to be part of Ukraine? 第二,你支持恢复克里米亚1992年宪法,赞成克里米亚是乌克兰的一部分吗?
A worker read the Zip code. Then the worker pushed five buttons on another machine. The worker had only one second to do this. 一名工作人员读信上的邮政编码,然后按另一个机器上的五个按钮,这个动作只需一秒钟的时间。
Second, do not be stupid. 其次,别犯蠢。
Ok, now the second, do you know why does Japanese like eating fish? 那么,第二幅图呢,你们知道日本人为什么爱吃鱼吗?
Second, do not ask for its soil, the soil conditions are relatively poor in the hilly and mountain can grow. 其次它对土质的要求不高,土壤条件比较差的丘陵、山地都可以生长。
Second, do not allow the total of your corporate debt to exceed the total of your country's foreign reserves; 第二、企业债务的总额不能超过国家外汇储备的总额。
Second, how do you know the person on the other end is telling you the truth? 再说,你如何知道另一端的那个人说的是真话?
The camera connection for the second camera do not provide power or pan, tilt and zoom control. 连着的另一台摄像机不带开关、扫视、俯仰、变焦和聚焦控制。
Second, do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know. 其次,不要一碰到不认识的单词或短语就停下来。
Life safety precautions: First, beware of good-tempered people get angry; second, do something to lose, and nothing to compete. 人生安全须知:第一,提防好脾气的人发火;第二,别和没什么东西可失去的人竞争。
Second, do not spend too much time in meetings talking about the past or they will become "exercises in punishment and blame". 第二,不要花太多的时间讨论过去的事情否则它们就会变成“惩罚和责备的运动”。
Right, what's the second thing I do? 好,我要做的第二件事情是什么?
The second chapter do checking computations for the project of adding floor for the frame structure of school's hospital. 第二章为校医院中段(框架结构)加层的可行性分析。
Second, do a good job in accounting Focus on the state treasury to the accounting system of centralized collection and payment system transition; 二是做好会计集中核算制向国库集中收付制过渡工作;三是进一步规范政府采购和收支两条线改革;
Watch it Hey One second Do you wanna fight foryour marriage? 看看,嘿,等一下,你想和你的婚姻战斗么?
Second thing I do, I need to initialize it. 我要做的第二件事。
The second program: Do you know? 第二个节目:你知道吗?
Second, do activities in culture spreading, educating and publicity, as to create good culture construction atmosphere, let whole staffs realize corporation culture, be aware the necessity of culture construction, and arouse their participating enthusiasm. 其次,是对企业文化的宣传、教育与传播,使广大员工认识到企业文化,了解企业文化建设的必要性,激发员工参与热情,以便创造良好的企业文化建设氛围。
Second, do further study on the linear regression method which is common used nowadays, especially on the influence of different simulate ways of horizontal tectonic movements, and educe corresponding conclusions. 对目前较流行的线性回归法作了进一步探讨,重点分析比较了水平构造运动的不同模拟方式对回归结果的影响,并得出相应的结论。
Second, do not perform due to the resulting legal obligations. 其二,不履行由于先行为造成的法定义务。
Second, do medical treatments only when seeing patients, have a general idea of the patient treatment services is to save lives. 二是治病时既见病又见人,对病人要有一个整体观念,治病服务于人,治病是为了救人。
Second, do research on the definition of urban public, emergency risk, risk classification, risk level, risk assessment and risk evaluation indicators system. 对城市突发公共事件的风险的内涵、风险的分类分级、风险评估和风险评价指标体系进行了研究。
The second to do is emphasizing the industry equity, regional equity and equity among micro-subjects in the redistribution process. 在再分配的过程中,注重行业公平、地区公平和微观主体间的公平。
Second, do not apply the rule of non-defense situation exist? 第二,是否存在不适用不可抗辩规则的情形?